- Disconnect the Developer Board from your computer, then reconnect it.
- Use a different USB port on your computer.
- Use a different USB-C cable.
- Try flashing the Developer Board using the ESP Flasher app from the Apps catalog:
- Install the ESP Flasher app on your Flipper Zero from the Apps catalog.
- On your computer, download and extract the Blackmagic firmware.
- Copy the extracted folder on your Flipper Zero microSD card. Copy it to the /sdcard/apps_data/esp_flasher/ folder.
If the "esp_flasher" folder doesn’t exist in your "apps_data" folder, create it yourself or run the ESP Flasher app once.
- Cold-plug the Developer Board by turning off your Flipper Zero, connecting the Developer Board, and then turning it back on.
It's important to insert the Developer Board into your Flipper Zero GPIO pin holes correctly.
- Run the ESP Flasher app by going to Main Menu → Apps → GPIO → ESP Flasher.
- In the ESP Flasher app, select the following options:
- "Reset Board": wait a few seconds, then go back.
- "Enter Bootloader": wait until the 'waiting for download' message appears, then go back.
- "Flash ESP"
- Select the following files from the blackmagic folder you copied to your Flipper Zero earlier for the following options:
- "Bootloader (0x1000)" is bootloader.bin
- "Part Table (0x8000)" is partition-table.bin
- "FirmwareA (0x10000)" is blackmagic.bin
Leave the other options unchecked (Don’t check the box "[ ] Select if young S3").
- Flash the firmware to your Developer Board by selecting the "[>]FLASH - slow" option.
- Wait until the LED of the Developer Board flashes BLUE once.
Your Flipper Zero's screen should display: "Finished programming. Done flashing. Please reset the board manually if it doesn't auto-reset".
If the display backlight goes off during the process, simply press the DOWN button on the D-Pad to re-enable it.
- On the Developer Board, press the RESET button once.
You now should be able to find a Wi-Fi hotspot with the name "blackmagic" to which you can connect with the password "iamwitcher". After connecting to the hotspot, you can load the web portal at its IP address: